
Consult our FAQ

Pxt-Wavedocu's consultants have written this FAQ to help you quickly find all the answers you need regarding your Wavedocu subscription or the operation of our after-sales service platform. Our goal is to help you quickly get all the answers you are looking for in a minimum amount of time!

If you still have questions after reading our FAQ, you can contact our advisers!


Frequently Asked Questions

If you see a direct debit with the wording Pxt-Wavedocu appearing on your bank statement, it is undoubtedly because you have subscribed to a subscription with Wavedocu. Even if the direct debit contains the wording Pxt-Wavedocu, you are still a customer of Wavedocu.com.

Pxt-Wavedocu's objective is to allow you to cancel your Wavedocu subscription simply and quickly. To do this, Pxt-Wavedocu's advisers have set up a new cancellation system. Thanks to this cancellation system, you have the possibility to cancel your Wavedocu subscription free of charge and instantaneously. Simply go to our Cancellation page and follow the instructions.

Cancelling your Wavedocu subscription is completely free and instantaneous! We have made sure that you benefit from a brand new cancellation system!

You don't need to cancel your credit card, you just need to cancel your subscription and the charges linked to your Wavedocu subscription will stop automatically.

Wavedocu advisors can be reached from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm. Wavedocu's advisors will be happy to help you with any difficulties you may encounter related to your Wavedocu subscription or your navigation on Pxt-Wavedocu. You can contact the Pxt-Wavedocu advisors:

  • By phone at +44 2 038 682 300
  • By mail to [email protected]
  • Via the form on our contact page

Contact the Pxt-Wavedocu teams

Whatever your request, Pxt-Wavedocu's consultants will be able to help you! Whatever your questions, cancellations or services, we will be able to help you! You have the possibility to contact our after-sales service whenever you want and you can reach our advisers :

By phone at +44 2 038 682 300

By mail to [email protected]

Via the form on our contact page